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Lucky Brand Jeans Outlet Store

Lucky Brand Jeans Outlet Store

Lucky Brand Jeans Outlet Store

(770) 516-2938

Lucky Brand began crafting great-fitting, vintage-inspired jeans in Los Angeles in 1990, quickly earning the title of "America's favorite." Founded on the premise of progressing the rich heritage of denim with new technological innovations, they took an authentic approach to doing everything, down to the tiniest detail, weaving their love of life into every stitch and seam. The idea caught on, and Lucky opened their first store in 1995.

Against the backdrop of California's creative renaissance, the brand continued to craft unique pieces that were inspired and inspiring, cool and creative, unique and authentic.

In 2000, launched, introducing a new audience to the free-spirited Lucky lifestyle. By 2006, the brand had over 100 stores across America, and four years later celebrated their 20-year anniversary, cementing Lucky Brand's status as an enduring all-American icon. Today, Lucky has evolved into a denim and leather powerhouse with streamlined, modern fits created with love and care for everyone and every body.

From vintage inspirations to modern interpretations, the history of denim is woven into every pair of Lucky jeans. Jeans that live in the now but last forever. It's a true blue labor of love with a fitting invitation for everyone and everybody.

Available now @Lucky Brand Jeans Outlet Store

Sweet dreams of spring.

Lucky Brand Jeans Outlet Store

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